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Starry Skies for July 03, 2008

by Jaye Sudar

    Tuesday ushered in a new moon in the astrological sign Cancer. This highlights a time of love and affection, nurturing and healing. The sensitive sign of Cancer emphasizes this time of renewal. Reflect on your relationships and see where you might improve life. New moons represent the growth in our lives. This is an exceptional time for improvement, expansion and healing, especially if your life has been chaotic or disorganized. Take an honest appraisal of where you are at the moment, and see what you can improve during the next two weeks.

This new moon starts a good cycle for planting and nurturing your garden as well as your relationships. Cultivate love and affection for your garden, your house, friends and family. The fishing should be good too!  So, grab your partner as well as your fishing poles and make the best of a romantic moonlit fishing trip.


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